future you


Minerals for Future You


Many of us are attracted to the beauty of minerals and crystals. But it is more than their vivid color and luminous surface that is drawing us to them. You might be attracted on a visual level, but on a deeper level the energy of the mineral is attracting you because its energy is resonating with something inside you. 

Everything in our world is made of energy, seen and unseen. And everything carries a certain vibration, when two of the same vibrations encounter each other, they resonate. This principal of resonance underlies how minerals have a healing effect on us, they raise our vibration back to its purest and truest level. They function like a tuning fork for our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies. They aren’t giving us anything we don’t already have — rather, they are helping us as energetic beings to vibrate to our highest, most divine and perfect selves. 

Attraction is much deeper than how something looks. Part of the magic of minerals is that they are connecting to you before you have even laid eyes on them. One of the ways you will know you have found the right mineral is that you will feel a feeling of recognition, something inside you will feel seen, soothed, excited, turned on - it’s attraction! These minerals that you feel an instant bond to are great indicators that they will be helpers for you in your healing - these are the tuning forks that will help raise and realign you to your natural state. 


But what about growing beyond who you are now? Minerals can act like a lighthouse to where you are going, a beacon in the darkness, drawing you closer as you navigate the unknown waters. Their energy can act as an invisible bridge to help you cross over into new and expanded energies that allow for your own personal growth. It’s easy to feel into who we are and return to that state, but it’s much harder to know who we are becoming. 

At times who your soul wants you to become can be in opposition to things you might want in your life. So it’s less about figuring out the ways you are being asked to expand from your mind (ie - let go of ideas, intentions, manifestation lists), and more about using your body as a compass to point you towards something beyond what you could ever imagine. The mind is limiting, but the body is limitless. 

You can tune into your body to discover the direction you are being pulled to grow into. This might take some practice, but the more you do it, the easier it will get. Here is a small meditation to guide you.

1. sit comfortably

2. close your eyes and take 3 rounds of deep breath, imagine that you can breath up the earth beneath you with each breath.

3. imagine that you can turn your eyes inward and allow them to travel down the body into your sacral chakra or pelvis, this is where your soul is.

4. as you go deeper see that part of your body like a cave, void of light, infinite. 

5. once you are there explore and discover what is waiting for you in this place. Be as specific as you can in describing everything you see, feel, hear, etc…

Take a minute to write down what came to you, or draw anything you saw. You might have seen a specific mineral that you can go out and find. Or a visual might have come to you that is a metaphor that you can unpack (like you would a dream), and you can find a mineral with these same attributes, or that evoke the same feeling in you. Regardless of which it is, what you are describing is the embodiment of the energy that is ready to awaken in you. It’s you! But future you. It’s not who you are, but rather who you are becoming.

You can meditate with this mineral, have it near you throughout the day, place it on your desk or altar, put it under your pillow to dream with (so long as they are not very energizing minerals like pyrite or moldavite) - just be around it. This mineral is helping you transition, grow, and evolve.