Minerals for Summer
A wonderful mineral for mental enhancement, clarity, calm, focus and decision making. It’s great for navigating through a situation, and calmly finding the outcome that will resonate deeply with what your heart desires. It is sometimes referred to as the “stone of discernment and aptitude”. Perfect if you are clear about the direction of your life but don’t yet know the practical steps you need to take. It is also great for taking scattered or disorganized energies and helping them to find natural structure and order.
A powerful mineral to help reawaken the magic of the heart, the magic of love! It has a more divine, joyful and radiant quality about it than Rose Quartz. It’s helpful for healing heartbreak, or heartache, its energy allows you to let go of the wounds, grief and sadness from these relationships more willingly. It’s sometimes called the Woman’s Stone, and is good for anyone in need of cultivating mothering energy in their lives or within themselves. It promotes a calm and caring energy that has its origins in the sacredness of your heart.
A mineral for helping you to see the synchronicities of life while also magnetizing them into your life to be clear guides so you can connect the dots and find the deeper meaning and direction of your soul. It is a helpful mineral for aligning you with your direct purpose in this life, and lifts the clouds of depression, boredom and heaviness that can keep you from having excitement in your life. It also directs the full spectrum of light into even the darkest parts of yourself, allowing you to find your inner wholeness by accepting both the dark and the light. It is a very integrating mineral with a lot of joy!
I call it the Super Woman stone, as it holds the male energy of Mother Earth. This stone is all about increasing vitality, confidence, and willpower. It’s a great stone to help give you direction and deepen your commitment to something. It is good for grounding, rebalancing, energy, manifestation and creating abundance in your life. It really has such a magnetic quality about it, and when you work with it will enhance the magnetism in you.
(also known as Golden Healers Quartz) This is a very rare variety of quartz. It’s yellow color comes from an oxidized metal that has fallen on its surface. This crystal will help you to loosen up in areas in your life where you are too controlling and ridged. It will help you to create and connect to the spontaneity and joy of life. It’s beautiful and delicate wand like shape with it’s perfect crystal point make it an expert and directing this energy into your life and allowing you to both find and become an expression of it. It is a very powerful force of light.
A stone of the Divine. It has a high frequency for angelic communication. This is a wonderful stone to help you connect to spirit and channel all of the joy, light and loveliness that is found in that realm. It is a stone of sweetness and grace. It is also a great stone for bringing a sense of inner peace to the heart and body, allowing the energy of the heart to radiate outwards to be seen. With this stone you will glow! It will also bring you sweet dreams if you sleep with it under your pillow.
This beautiful crystal holds the all the properties of opening you up to a connection to spirit that amethyst has, but in addition the flowering variety - it’s name referring to the way in which the crystal grows and it’s variation in color that is garden like - brings together the two forces of yin and yang. It includes all the details, circumstances and forces to create an intricate bond between them, which makes this a great stone for love and of healing. It creates union, oneness and integration.