minerals for this time


Minerals for This Time


These are five great minerals and rocks to be working with right now. As you read through them you might be able to connect the dots, or sense a theme. While we are all handling this uncertain time in different ways - these minerals have been chosen to help create a certain energy and help with specific issues we are all facing. The collection focuses on helping to keep you grounded, while connecting to something bigger. And it’s not about connecting to spirit, the way amethyst or celestite might do. It’s about helping you to connect to the collective, to own the fear in a way that it can serve you and your growth, to keep an eye on the bigger picture and be a visionary during this time. It’s about the micro and macro, personal and collective - all while staying IN the body and using the energies of our earthly and cosmic realm to help move you forward in a way where you can use all of this uncertainty to create change and growth in your life, the life of your community and our planet. There is power to be harnesed now.



This is believed to be created from the heat of a meteorite crashing into the Sahara Desert in Libya and Egypt. It was thought to be imbued with supernatural powers and was carved and used in lots of ancient Egyptian jewelry. This is no doubt a very powerful stone of mystic potency, one that can help awaken the inner King or Queen waiting to be reclaimed in the self. It is also a stone of confidence and willpower, clarity, integrity and ambition. It holds that magnetic power and mystery that is associated with royalty and great leaders (think Cleopatra). It is a great stone for the second chakra, helping to stir up creativity as well as heal any stomach issues caused or irritated by nervousness and stress.



Sometimes known as landscape jasper or Owyhee jasper, can be used to help you connect with the wisdom of Nature. Each slab is a mini depiction of a landscape, holding in its layers the energy and healing power of the earth element. It is a stone for traveling and traversing through time and space. It has the ability to help you to tap into the history and energy of ancient civilizations, as well as travel psychically to future landscapes. It’s the stone for visionaries — allowing you to look into the distant future while carrying forward the wisdom of the past. Great for people who are doing work in the world to help further our conscious connection to the planet. Also great for travelers. It’s a very grounded, slow, stable stone.



This rock helps open ourselves up to the beauty and clarity of the universe. It helps us to tune in and listen to something bigger than us. As this rock travels through the cosmos it gathers the wisdom of the stars, the planets, and all the mysteries and forces of the universe. This is a great rock for helping you tune into yourself by connecting with the infinite and the forces of sacred creation. It carries with it the energy of when the solar system was first created 4.6 billion years ago. Pretty amazing!



This might just be one of the most important stones we can have with us. If you are working on yourself and the growth of your soul, or any kind of spiritual work then a piece of hematite will be so helpful. All of that work you are doing won’t really stick or have any real impact on your life if it isn’t integrated into the body. Hematite aids in grounding that energy into the body while moving old negative energy out. It’s essential for helping the messages and information from other realms to be of service to your body in the world we are living in. It’s also very protective, grounding for your emotions, and shields the overwhelming vibes (ie smog, geopathic stress, electromagnetic congestion) of our modern world.



This is a wonderful stone for helping you to notice and appreciate the details of life. It is great for assisting you in recognizing on a deeper level the synchronicities and connections of life and in the self. It allows you to be more sensitive and attune to the universe in all the ways it is trying to communicate with you, particularly through nature and animals. It is helpful in assisting communication with the spirits of loved ones as well as memories or forgotten events of past lives. It is also a great stone for becoming more receptive to healing energy and having the openness and receptivity that healing requires. 
