quartz crystal vessel
How to Use Your Minerals
We collect them. We love them. But sometimes we don’t know what to do with them. They are beautiful, but they can also be useful! There are no rules for how to use your minerals. Let your intuition be your guide. You can place them on a part of the body that feels like it needs it, you can hold them in your hands during meditation, or place them around your home.
Here are a few ways I use minerals in my life. This is in no way a complete list of the limitless ways minerals can be used as energetic tools.
Who wouldn’t want beautiful minerals in their home? Wherever you place them, they will go to work on your space. If you want to go to a deeper level of working with your minerals, think about the room you are placing them. Where exactly they are being placed, and how their particular properties can assist you in that space? Think about the energy of your home in four dimensions. Everything you can see and touch and move is in three dimension, but there is another dimension (and many more) that consists of energies that you can’t see. This is where minerals in your space enter the picture. You can use them to shift or direct these unseen energies. You can read more about directing energy HERE. Think about the function and activities that take place in each room and how you can use specific minerals to enhance or calm certain energies. Keep your minerals moving. Don’t always have them in one place, they are both beautiful objects but they are also tools. Listen to when their work is done in a particular place or room and move them to a new spot. Don’t let them get dusty. The longer they sit somewhere without intention the energy around them can get stale. If you have minerals that live permanently in places in your home be sure to clean them regularly and replace them back in their spots with their intention. They want to be helpful, so don’t be shy about asking things of them!
Altar building is really fun! Creating an altar in your home or in the area you meditate is a great way to hold space for your healing. There are no rules. The only important thing is to choose objects that hold the energy you are working with or working towards. Be specific and intentional with what you choose. You can add photos, drawings, candles, other sacred or meaningful objects, hand written notes, cups of water… Get creative!
Minerals can be placed on the body or held in the hands during meditation. If you use stones with a point you can use these as directional guides to move energy. You can read more about this in the HERE. A stone that is not needed or is done working will naturally roll off the body, or will roll to a place where it is better utilized. Just allow this to happen. It’s best not to use too many minerals during meditation, but choose the ones that you feel most strongly about in that moment. Meditating with your mineral is the best way to connect to its energy. There will be a Mineral 101 coming soon about this with an audio meditation to do with your minerals.
Sleeping - Minerals are great to sleep with! You can have them by your bed or under your pillow. The same rule applies here — less is best. Just choose one or two to sleep with. Think about stones that will aid in a good night’s sleep. Don’t sleep with anything that is too amplifying in its energy like pyrite or orange calcite. Pick stones that are good for calming, like lithium quartz or lepidolite, or for dream work, like danburite or dream quartz. Rose Quartz is always an all around favorite.
Plants love minerals too! Think about ways that minerals can support your yard, garden and land. Minerals and crystals love to have a job, so they will be thrilled if you ask them for protection, to promote a thriving garden or a calm home. Choose accordingly.
Sometimes it’s nice to have a small mineral with you during travels. If you are a nervous flier think about minerals that can promote a natural state of relaxation, calm and safety. If you tend to get homesick, or are going on a journey with a particular intention, think about minerals you can bring that will support you. Even bring a rock from a place that makes you feel calm, at peace and at home is a great idea.
It’s great to source smaller minerals to carry with you in your pocket or purse to be helpers when you are out in the world. Think about the situation you will be in and with what you might need assistance. Then choose the mineral whose properties will help enhance that energy in you. Minerals for grounding, confidence, protection, heart opening are a great place to start.
Minerals are great tools for creativity. Since they work with energy, they can help get things moving or lift creative blocks that might be keeping you stuck. Think about what your blocks are with a creative project, with expression, organization, completion, etc… Which minerals could you use to support you?
Yep, minerals can help protect you against EMF from your phone and computer. I keep a small piece of shungite next to my phone while I sleep. If you do a lot of computer work, think about having one or more pieces of shungite around your computer. Hematite or other stones with Iron are also particularly helpful. There are certain minerals you don’t want around your electronics - you can read about them in the in the Minerals 101 lesson about QUARTZ.
Even our sweet little ones can benefit from minerals. And kids love minerals! They (even more than us) will naturally gravitate to what they need. Take them with you to pick something out, or head to the Natural History Museum to see the mineral collection there. Ooing and ahhing with kids over the magical world of minerals is really fun!
We spend so much time thinking about mineral specimens to buy and have in our homes that we forget about the energy of the ones that are in our jewelry. Wearing jewelry with a particular stone, or combination of stones, is really wonderful because it is something that is on your body for an extended period of time — some you might never take off. So think extra hard about what stone might be in a ring you wear often, or what stone might bring you a particular kind of healing when you go out to purchase a new piece of jewelry. And don’t forget to clean the energy of your jewelry regularly, especially with pieces you wear a lot or are heirlooms. You can read about different ways to clean them HERE.
So how do you go from just collecting and acquiring minerals to actually using them like tools? You have to spend time with your minerals to really learn what they are about for you. It is up to you to tune into your body or space to listen to what it needs. I will give a few examples so you can begin to see how to connect to minerals as tools for supporting you in reaching your highest vibration or to raise the vibration of your space to its fullest potential.
GOAL / Create a feeling of wellbeing in the home with your family
Jade is an incredibly nourishing and prosperous stone. It reminds us to enjoy the gifts of life. It represents the harmony, health and happiness of family, home, business and all other relationships. Think about putting a piece of jade or an object made out of jade, such as a bowl, on your dinning room table. This is the place that the whole family gathers around every night to share a meal and talk about their day. Jade will help create a sense of flow, ease and abundance and help the family feel nurtured by the meal and each other.
GOAL / Finishing a writing project
Let’s say you are working on a book, which is a huge undertaking. There is a lot to organize and keep track of and it takes a really long time to finish. The problem for you isn’t having creative ideas or finding your voice as a writer, but it’s that you can’t seem to give your book form or structure. Think about introducing a piece of fluorite to your desk where you write. Fluorite is like having a personal assistant. It can help you to organize your thoughts, bring mental enhancement and clarity, and identify what needs to be done. Now, introduce a helper, like cubed pyrite. Pyrite gives you energy, drive, and confidence. This is a time when a specific shape will come in handy (read more HERE), the cube shape is extra helpful in this situation because as a natural cube structure it will help you bring your project to completion. Having these two with you on your desk while you write will insure that your vision finds its form and manifests itself into a finished book.