Small Quartz Wand - Smokey Quartz and Citrine
Small Quartz Wand - Smokey Quartz and Citrine
This is a very very special quartz wand, shaped by nature with its natural point. You can see the base is smokey quartz. This crystal gently dispels and clears negative energy or emotion. Its energy doesn’t move quick, but instead is deeper and prolonged. It is intense, yet gentle. The stone of cooperation. Purifying. Protecting. Grounding.
And then in the process of the wand’s growth the conditions changed and citrine makes the tip of the wand. And this is real citrine - not the heat treated amethyst you find in a lot of shops. Citrine activates, opens and energizes the solar plexus, inviting us to get in touch with our creativity, personal power and the vital life force that enhances and nourishes the physical body. This mineral brings comfort and optimism and is good for calming any kinds of fear that have to do with survival. It also helps heal any wounds around abuse of power or the feeling of being powerless. It clears any “muddy” energy in the body, helping you to see the bright side, and look ahead to new beginnings with clarity. It allows you to have a clear mind that is connected to the power of the body, opening doors for you so that what you envision can become a reality, and giving you the stamina you need to take action in the world.
The wand holds the energy of both of these crystals. Plus, quartz is a natural amplifier! So get ready to up the energy in your space and in the work in which you use this wand. It would be perfect for someone doing deep work that involved decoding, deciphering or reading old texts, dreams or alchemical drawings. It is very very special and wants to serve and be used regularly.
This one is a little more rough - but I think the energy of it is softer and more personable and connected to the earth - you will be able to feel the sense that it was meant for you - as if you stumbled upon it while out in nature.
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