


This is a group of minerals you won’t find anywhere else. Every single one of these comes directly from the miner themselves, which means that they have the most incredible, vibrant, pure and smooth energy. The majority of these minerals are quartz (even amethyst and agate). Every time I buy I go with what feels needed in the world - I got home and looked at everything together and almost all of the minerals are some form of quartz. The other special thing is that every mineral was found in America, with some special exceptions from France and Italy that I couldn’t pass up.

How to choose your mineral - trust your gut and your eyes. You don’t need to read all about it - you will know when something resonates with you. I am just one stop along the long journey this mineral has been making to get to you and only you!


Smokey Quartz Point with Epidote

Smokey Quartz Point with Epidote


This mineral helps one to dissolve inner criticalness and amp up personal power. It magnetizes more of what you already have (positive or negative), but it’s all in alignment with your highest good. It brings extremes back into balance and is a catalyst for bringing positive changes into your life. Where every you need a shift epidote will get you there. It’s also very uplifting when it comes to the physical body. It you feel weighted down, literally, emotionally, energetically this mineral will help you feel lighter. It’s great for physical healing, overcoming negative thoughts or other destructive thought patterns. It helps you feel empowered to change your situation if you have been feeling stuck. “I reap what I sow.” I also think it is a great one for helping to heal any issues about confidence and the body. 

Quartz is said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. There is so much this crystal can do. It is wonderful for overall healing, harmonizing, clearing, purification, alignment, and amplification.

When you purchase you will get a link to a meditation to use to help you connect with your mineral, as well as access to the Mineral 101 archive featuring articles and tips on minerals & crystals.


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