the grounded self workshop




Minerals that are helpful for grounding. 


This might just be one of the most important stones we can have with us. If you are working on yourself and the growth of your soul, or any kind of spiritual work then a piece of hematite will be so helpful. All of that work you are doing won’t really stick or have any real impact on your life if it isn’t integrated into the body. Hematite aids in grounding that energy into the body while moving old negative energy out. It’s essential for helping the messages and information from other realms to be of service to your body in the world we are living in. It’s also very protective, grounding for your emotions, and shields the overwhelming vibes (ie smog, geopathic stress, electromagnetic congestion) of our modern world. 

Healers Gold

This stone is a combination of magnetite and pyrite and derives it’s name from it’s ability to help balance and enhance the energies of the person who is working with it. Healers who work with this stone will feel that they don’t feel as drained after their work. Giving them both a boost in their own energy but also is protective from outside energies or influencers. It also allows the healing to be more deeply grounded into the body. It is a source of life force. Because both of these stones are iron based it is a strong magnetizer, grounding you down into your body and it’s energy. 


It is good for grounding, rebalancing and energy. But also a very energetic stone. If you find that your nervous system is on overload already, don’t push it further with this one. Or use a pyrite sun, which is more grounding, and it’s about grounding that energy to sustain you, not burn you out, allowing it to be foundational in everything you do. This is a very energetic mineral, so be sure not to introduce it to your system if you are not already grounded. 

Black Tourmaline

Everyone should be carrying a piece with them. It is especially important for anyone who is doing spiritual work with people or who lives in challenging spaces or circumstances. This stone has the ability to take negative energy and purify it, turning it into usable energy. It clears the body and surroundings of any negative, dark or unhealthy energy. It also a huge helper when it comes to protection and is particularly important for someone to have if they are very open, psychic or empathetic. 


This metal is a conductor. If you are feeling sluggish and ungrounded use some copper to get the energy flowing so you can connect to the earth. I love using a copper sphere to massage the bottoms of my feet. I roll them around on the copper ball to help open the energy of my body up through the bottoms of my feet to the earth below me. You can also do this with a sphere made of hematite, jet, jasper, or shungite.

Moss Agate

This mineral has a lovely, healing and grounded energy. It is especially nurturing for anyone who is recovering from an illness, injury, even an emotional wounding, as it encourages a slow and steady recovery. It stabilizes the physical body. It is a master at helping you to connect to the energy of Mother Nature, and even the wise spirits and energies that live in our earthly realm in the natural world. It can guide you to a deeper understanding of how to heal with the help of nature and all the ways she can support you on that journey. 


These days electro magnetic frequencies are everywhere! We are surrounded by technology - mobile phones, computers and Wifi! These all radiate EMFs and can be very ungrounding. Some people are very sensitive to EMFs and can feel a brain fog, fatigue, poor digestion, compromised immune system, increased blood pressure, anxiety and depression, even a change in heart rate or blood sugar. Basically stress, emotionally and on the physical body, the function of its organs. Shungite protects against EMFs by naturally neutralizing these frequencies due to its components on a molecular level. Shungite comes from a meteorite and it’s the only natural mineral in existence to have the presence of a hallow molecular carbon cage - this allows for the EMF neutralization. 


If you need to relax your nervous system try lithium quartz, or lepidolite. Purple Fluorite for relaxing the mind. And if you would like to work on directing your energy during meditation use a quartz crystal with a point (natural, please).


Mineral Shapes

You can use carved minerals for extra support with grounding. I am not usually a fan of minerals shaped by man, except when I am intentionally using its shape for a specific purpose. Anything in a pyramid shape will be incredibly grounding, as the pyramid is the most stable shape there is. A hematite pyramid would be idea. A sphere will allow the energy of the mineral to radiate and move in all directions so that is also a good one to use as well. 



Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Moss Agate

Moss Agate

Pyrite Sun

Pyrite Sun



Healers Gold

Healers Gold



Alexis Smart’s flower remedies are such a great tool to use as support in your life and in this work. I am always on a remedy from her. And she is a good friend, so she was kind enough to suggest a few remedies that would complement this workshop. If one fits where you are and you’d like to try them out, order it and use it during this workshop (just choose one). They kick in after about two weeks of regular use.  


First Aid Kit - This is the number one grounding formula isBased on Bach Rescue Remedy but with added walnut, to protect you from the influence of others energy, and crab apple to purify, this formula works instantly to bring you into your body and calm and ground. 


For grounding the mind:

Brain Drops - This is a very mentally grounding formula for those who feel out of body, too in their heads or scatter brained. Cultivates a state of post meditation calm.


For grounding the heart:

Whole Hearted - If you have a hard time staying in your body when old emotional wounds come up, this soothing formula will comfort you during the healing of grief, old and new, so there is no fear of emotional pain and you can stay present in this work. 



Safe and Sound - Fear is so often linked to blockages in our sexual expression. This formula helps you feel safe in your body and can help if you have past trauma or fear lodged in the body or you leave your body when you feel afraid.



Jean Renaud dancing on a Paris rooftop 1950

Jean Renaud dancing on a Paris rooftop 1950



Some more tips…

These are things we all know but rarely make time to do. There are a whole bunch of tiny things we can do in our daily lives to be more grounded. 

You might have heard of the studies being done on Earthing, here is a link to a science study on it. Long story short, the surface of the earth has a plethora of electrons that can not only be grounding for our bodies but are also imperative for our health. Things as simple as walking barefoot in the grass when you can, laying in a park or in your yard, or spending time in nature around trees can all vastly improve our health and wellbeing and lead to a greater feeling of groundednesss.

Take a look at your diet. Are there things you know you consume that are ungrounding? The biggest ones are sugar and caffeine. If you don’t think you can cut them out completely at least try to cut back, or be aware of when and how you are using them. Personally, if I feel really ungrounded physically I always eat some bison and right away I feel so nurtured and back in my body. I am grateful to this animal for being a spiritual and healing food for my body.

Massaging the bottoms of your feet. Stopping to take a few deep breaths. Slowing down. Doing a few rounds of this breathing technique to calm your nervous system. Not being on your phone so much. Giving hugs. Spending time with animals. All of these simple things can help us feel more grounded as we move through our day. 




Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramovic

lauren king